These newly established music scholarships from the Chris Higgins Music Bursary fund are to be spent on diploma or higher-level tuition, residential courses and personal development in the realms of music performance. A broader aim attached is to foster teaching links on an individual basis with the following: The Sage, Gateshead; The Royal Northern College of Music; the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama; The Birmingham Conservatoire; The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama; the London music colleges (RAM, RCM, Guildhall; Trinity).
Level of Study
Mode of study
Full time
All undergraduate programmes
All undergraduate programmes
Breakdown of Scholarship:
5 per year
How to apply - prospective applicants must:
Stage 1: Submit:
- An application cover letter, including a personal statement of no more than 700 words describing why you feel you should be awarded the Chris Higgins Music Bursary. This should explain how the student will benefit from the bursary and their goals and aims as an individual. It should include information on how they will be ambassadors for the university, spreading its image and reputation further afield. This should be sent to
- A reference of no more than 700 words from a suitable adult (e.g. a teacher, the conductor of an ensemble in which you play, the director of a production in which you have been involved), explaining why you are suitable to be awarded the Chris Higgins Music Bursary, sent directly from the referee to
- A summary document after the tuition has completed, explaining the benefits from the music bursary and any links which have been fostered on an individual basis with any musical institutions or people.
1 January 2015
Application deadline:
15 February 2015
When candidates will hear the outcome of their application:
March 2015
Selection Process:
- Applications will be considered on the basis of their ability to meet the eligibility criteria, the personal statement and references provided.
- All eligible applications for the Chris Higgins Music Bursary will be considered by a panel of senior staff at Durham University. This will most likely be comprised of the Head of Music Development, Music Development Coordinator, Music Society President, Head of Music Department and the Dean of Experience Durham.
- Where there is a shortlist of equally qualified applicants, the University will select a recipient following an interview process.
For more information, please contact Good luck to all applicants!